The formal ACL Rehabilitation Consensus – an ESSKA, AOSSM and AASPT initiative
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited as...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as faculty...
Guest lecture Instructional Course Internationa Knee Days
Prof RPA Janssen has been invited as guest...
The acute knee: anatomy, examination and treatment
The acute knee is often seen in GP or physiotherapy practice. An adequate diagnosis is not always easy. Brooymans et al. have written an excellent review article on this subject in Physios 2011;3(1):38-46. In 2015, an Evidence Statement Treatment of Acute Knee Injuries has been published by the Royal Dutch Society of Physiotherpaists (KNGF). RPA Janssen is one of the authors of this statement (Dutch).