The formal ACL Rehabilitation Consensus – an ESSKA, AOSSM and AASPT initiative
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited as...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as faculty...
Guest lecture Instructional Course Internationa Knee Days
Prof RPA Janssen has been invited as guest...
Gold medal Super G after ACL revision surgery
Mijn name is Britt Molenaar, 20 years old. I am the Dutch champion Alpine ski. In December 2016, I ruptured my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) for the second time during a severe fall in my ski competition. I was referred to Dr. Janssen at Máxima Medical Center Eindhoven, The Netherlands. In a shared decision making process, we determined the best possible surgery and rehabilitation for return to my elite athlete ski career. We decided that a donor tendon with additional anterolateral reconstruction would offer the best possible chance for return to the ski competition season at the end of the year. I had very little pain after surgery and I was back on my feet very quickly! Normally, the rehabilitation after a revision ACL surgery takes longer than after primary ACL surgery, but due to dr Janssen's surgical precison, the rehabiltation expertise of physiotherapist Camille Neeter and my own hard work, I was able to return to ski training after 6 months, ski competition after 9 months and exactly 12 months after surgery, I won the gold medal on the super slalom and combination and became Dutch National Champion Alpine Ski! I barely have any complaints of my knee in daily life. In my sports, I feel that after a week of hard training and competition, I need to rest a little and then I can get back to my old level of ski competition. I could not have wished for a better rehabilitation, thank you!