
Fietsen verstandig?


Bij hardlopen wordt de knie belast met 6x uw lichaamsgewicht bij elke stap

Máxima Medisch Centrum

Value-Based Health Care

ESSKA Accredited Teacher

Orthopedie Groot Eindhoven

Goede uitleg is essentieel voor juiste keuze behandeling


Voorste kruisbandreconstructie

Achterste kruisbandletsel

Zorg op maat

YouTube kanaal dr RPA Janssen

Internationaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Kruisbandoperaties knie

RPA Janssen MD PhD


Waardegedreven zorg

Last van knie-artrose?

Spreekuur / Policlinique / Outpatient clinic

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arthroscopie

Máxima Medisch Centrum

Kruisbandoperaties bij kinderen

Veel pijn bij ernstige knie-artrose?

Samen met uw arts gekozen voor een knie-operatie?

Eenzijdige knie-artrose knie en actief leven?

Máxima Medisch Centrum Eindhoven-Veldhoven

Kwaliteit van leven

Samen kiezen voor de beste behandeling

Sporten met plezier

Oplossingen voor de lange termijn

Associate Professor Knee Reconstruction


Kneecap pain is a regular occurrence in fitness knee rehabilitation

Knee osteoarthritis

Cycling wise?


When running, the knee is loaded with 6x your body weight with each step


New publication

Wearable sensor systems measure differences in knee laxity between...

33rd Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses 2024

33rd Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses 2024

The 33rd Annual international Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht...

RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof, Course director
33rd Annual Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses 2024. July 1-5, 2024. University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Keynote lecture

Keynote lecture

Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD will present the lecture The knee: the...

ESSKA Congress 2024

ESSKA Congress 2024

The research group led by prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited for 2...

New publication

New publication

STARR Study Group, Meuffels, D. E., & Janssen, R. P. A. (2024)....

New publication

New publication

Arens T, Melick van N, van der Steen MC, Janssen RPA, Bogie R. Influence...

Editor’s Pick Prof Stafano Zaffagnini Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics

Editor’s Pick Prof Stafano Zaffagnini Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics

Dietvorst, M., Verhagen, S., van der Steen, M. C., van Douveren, F. Q. M. P., & Janssen, R. P. A. (2024). Anterolateral augmentation procedures during anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions in skeletally immature patients: Scoping review of surgical techniques and outcomes.
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 2024:11(1), Article e12012.
New publication

New publication

Dietvorst, M., Verhagen, S., van der Steen, M. C., van Douveren, F. Q. M....

International Award

International Award

At the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting 2024 in Long Beach,...

Meet The Residency Program Director

Meet The Residency Program Director

Prof Janssen MD PhD is invited as speaker on residency programs at the...

RPA Janssen
9e Nationaal Coassistenten Congres, March 8-10, 2024. Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands
New publication

New publication

Janne Spierings, Marloes van den Hengel, Rob Janssen, Bert van...

New publication

New publication

New publication

Melick van N, Dietvorst M, Oort van MIAM, Claessens RLA, Janssen RPA,...

New publication

New publication

Dietvorst, M., van der Steen, M.C.M., van den Besselaar, M., Janssen...

New publication

New publication

Louwerens JW, Bulstra SK, Janssen RPA. De beweegzorg is zelf volop in...

New publication

New publication

Kleuskens MWA, Crispim J, Donkelaar van CC, Janssen RPA, Ito K....

Keynote lecture

Keynote lecture

Prof Rob Janssen MD PhD and Nicky van Melick PhD have been invited by the...

New publication

New publication

A new publication of the CREDO Experts research group has been published...

2 new publications

This month, 2 new publications have been accepted in international peer...

New publication

New publication

Alfredo Uquillas J, Spierings J, van der Lande A, Dede Eren A, Bertrand...

Keynote lecture

Keynote lecture

Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited for a keynote lecture at Post Master...

New publication

New publication

Martijn Dietvorst, Marieke C. van der Steen, Max Reijman, Rob P.A....

New publication

van der Graaff, S. J. A., Eijgenraam, S. M., Meuffels, D. E., van Es, E....

New publication

New publication

W.W.E.S. Theunissen, Marieke C. van der Steen, Wai Yan Liu, Rob P.A....

Two new publications

Two new publications

Recently 2 new publications have been accepted in peer reviewed...

Nieuwe publicatie

Nieuwe publicatie

RPA janssen MD PhD Prof is memeber of the PaTIO study group. Recently, a...

Keynote lecture

Keynote lecture

RPA Janssen MD PhD will oresent a keynote lecture at the Advanced Knee...

VOCA Congress 2019

VOCA Congress 2019

RPA Janssen MD PhD is moderator at the VOCA congress Sports...

e/MTIC symposium TU/e

e/MTIC symposium TU/e

RPA Janssen MD PhD visits the Symposium Technology meets Value-Based...

New publication

New publication

Tolk JJ, Janssen RPA, Prinsen C, van der Steen MC, Sita Bierma-Zeinstra...

New publication

New publication

The orthopedic research group of Maxima Medical Center has published a...

New publication

New publication

A stduy by the research group led by RPA Janssen MD PhD has been accepted...



RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited to present a lecture at the...

New publication

New publication

New publication by the research group of RPA Janssen MD PhD on the...

Faculty ESSKA 2016

Faculty ESSKA 2016

RPA Janssen MD is invited as faculty and chair at the biannual...

NVA Masterclass

NVA Masterclass

RPA Janssen, M.D. will visit the NVA Masterclass 2014 "All about the...

ATLS Europe 2013

ATLS Europe 2013

RPA Janssen, MD will visit the ATLS in Europe meeting in Lyon, France...

EBRO Training 2012

EBRO Training 2012

RPA Janssen M.D. will follow the Training Evidence Based Guidelines...

NVA Masterclass 2012

NVA Masterclass 2012

RPA Janssen will visit the Masterclass of the Dutch Arthrosocpy...

The new warming-up

The new warming-up

RPA Janssen has contributed to the new book by T. Kamminga: The new...

Website online!

Website online!

RPA Janssen has made his own website. Montay WebArchitecs has built...

Lecture Radiology

Lecture Radiology

RPA Janssen presents a lecture for all medical personnel of the radiology...

ATLS 30th anniversary

ATLS 30th anniversary

Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) celebrates its 30th anniversary. RPA...

New website soon!

New website soon!

Two years after the launch of the succesful website by RPA Janssen...

New website

New website

Three years after the start of my website, it is now time for a new...

The Hip Walk!

The Hip Walk!

Do you have a knee or hip prosthesis? Join us at the Hip Walk on April...

Medsim teamtraining

Medsim teamtraining

RPA Janssen MD PhD is course deleguate at the follow-up Medsim OR...

New website COGE

New website COGE

The new website of the Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area...

Faculty ATLS course

Faculty ATLS course

RPA Janssen MD PhD is instructor in the Advanced Trauma Life Support...

Medical Leadership

Medical Leadership

RPA Janssen MD PhD has been selected for the development program Medical...

New publication

New publication

The Pellegrini-Stieda lesion of the knee: an anatomical and radiological...



RPA Janssen MD PhD will attend the 100th edition of the SOFCOT...

New publication

New publication

The research group of RPA Janssen MD PhD has a new publication in BMC...

Two new publications

RPA Janssen MD PhD is co-author of 2 new peer reviewed publications this...

Van Rens Prize 2020

Van Rens Prize 2020

Jaap Tolk MD has won the prestigious Van Rens Prijs 2020 for the best...

New publication

New publication

Brinkhof, S., Froeling, M., Janssen, R.P.A., Ito K., Klomp...

Column publication

Column publication

A column was written in the peer reviewed journal Nederlands Tijdschrift...

PhD Thomas Timmers

PhD Thomas Timmers

Thomas Timmers will defend his PhD Thesis Patient Empowerment through...