The formal ACL Rehabilitation Consensus – an ESSKA, AOSSM and AASPT initiative
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited as...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as faculty...
Guest lecture Instructional Course Internationa Knee Days
Prof RPA Janssen has been invited as guest...
The formal ACL Rehabilitation Consensus – an ESSKA, AOSSM and AASPT initiative
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited as member of the Literature...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as faculty member at the NVA Advanced...
Guest lecture Instructional Course Internationa Knee Days
Prof RPA Janssen has been invited as guest speaker at the instructional...
New publication
Wearable sensor systems measure differences in knee laxity between...
Diagnosis & treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in children different from adults
Recently an interview on ACL injuries in children with RPA Janssen MD PhD...
33rd Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses 2024
The 33rd Annual international Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht...
Treatment of acute knie ligament injuries
Cooperation Máxima Medical Center & Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Keynote lecture
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD will present the lecture The knee: the...
ESSKA Congress 2024
The research group led by prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited for 2...
New publication
STARR Study Group, Meuffels, D. E., & Janssen, R. P. A. (2024)....
New publication
Arens T, Melick van N, van der Steen MC, Janssen RPA, Bogie R. Influence...
Editor’s Pick Prof Stafano Zaffagnini Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics
Member Graduatuon Committee TU/e
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof is member of the graduation committee TU/e for...
New publication
Dietvorst, M., Verhagen, S., van der Steen, M. C., van Douveren, F. Q. M....
International Award
At the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting 2024 in Long Beach,...
Anterior cruciate ligament in children, how to proceed?
Meet The Residency Program Director
Prof Janssen MD PhD is invited as speaker on residency programs at the...
WMO-GCP certificate 2023
Keynote speaker Master Class NVA
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as keynote speaker at the annual...
Podcast The Cruciate Ligament
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD was been special guest for the Podcast entitled...
Course Anterior Cruciate Ligament
On October 13 2023, a course on all aspects of ACL injury is organised by...
Member Graduation Committee TUe
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is member of the graduation committee of MSc...
New publication
Janne Spierings, Marloes van den Hengel, Rob Janssen, Bert van...
New publication
New publication
Melick van N, Dietvorst M, Oort van MIAM, Claessens RLA, Janssen RPA,...
New publication
Dietvorst, M., van der Steen, M.C.M., van den Besselaar, M., Janssen...
Course director Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses 2023
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof. is course director of the 32nd edition of the...
Member PhD Committee TUe
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof is member of the PhD Committee for Luc...
Poster presentation TUe/Maxima MC research group
A new scientific research project has been accepted as poster...
New publication
Louwerens JW, Bulstra SK, Janssen RPA. De beweegzorg is zelf volop in...
Lecture Knee for physiotherapists
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD will present the lecture The knee: the...
Annual Congress Maxima Medical Center Eindhoven/Veldhoven
Two scientific papers from the research group of prof RPA Janssen MD PhD...
member PhD committee Erasmus University
prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited as member of the PhD committee...
New publication
Kleuskens MWA, Crispim J, Donkelaar van CC, Janssen RPA, Ito K....
Live event anterior cruciate ligament injury in children
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD and N. van Melick PhD are keynote speakers at the...
Keynote lecture
Prof Rob Janssen MD PhD and Nicky van Melick PhD have been invited by the...
PhD thesis defense Martijn Dietvorst University Maastricht
Martijn Dietvorst MD will defend his PhD thesis Anterior cruciate...
University Course ACL injuries, treatment and rehabiltation
RPA Janssen MD PhD and N. van Melick PT PhD organise a course on all...
Digital health applications to establish a remote diagnosis for orthopedic knee disorders: a scoping review
New publication
A new publication of the CREDO Experts research group has been published...
Keynote lecture knee injuries
Prof Janssen MD PhD will present a keynote lecture on the...
2 new publications
This month, 2 new publications have been accepted in international peer...
4 scientific presentations at 41st EPOS Annual Meeting
De research group led by Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD will present 4...
Member public defense Thesis TUe
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is member of the defense committee for the MSc...
Keynote lecture ACL and concomitant injuries
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited for a keynote lecture at Post Master...
Interview Professors Health Innovations & Technology
Interviews Eveline Wouters, Rob Janssen, Martijn Pisters and Rens...
Inaugural ceremony Prof. Janssen
Prof Janssen MD PhD will present his inaugural lecture at the special...
New publication
Alfredo Uquillas J, Spierings J, van der Lande A, Dede Eren A, Bertrand...
Keynote lecture
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited for a keynote lecture at Post Master...
New publication
Martijn Dietvorst, Marieke C. van der Steen, Max Reijman, Rob P.A....
Course director Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses 2022
The 31st annual edition of the international Arthroscopy &...
Lecture National Congress Pediatric Trauma Surgery 2022
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof has been invited to present a lecture at the...
Lecture on Knee instability RPA Janssen, MD PhD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the Post-Master B&SIS Knee...
New publication
van der Graaff, S. J. A., Eijgenraam, S. M., Meuffels, D. E., van Es, E....
Guest lecturer University of Physiotherapy
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is guest lecturer at SOMT-University of...
Jury member Hack2Impact2022 Health@Home
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is jury member of the event Hack2impact 2022...
Keynote speaker National Congress Dutch Association of Physiotherapists in Professional Football
Prof Janssen MD PhD has been invited as speaker at the annual congress of...
ESSKA Congress 2022: 5 scientific contributions
The research group led by Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited to...
Nominee Best Poster Award
The scientific research on GLA:D Netherlands has been nominated for the...
Lecture on Knee disorders
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
Graduation committee TU/e
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof is member of the MSc graduation committee...
Keynote lecture NVA Advanced Knee Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD will present a keynote lecture at the Advanced...
PhD Graduation Committee TU/e
Prof Janssen MD PhD is memeber of the graduation committee of PhD...
Keynote lecture KNGF: Up to date treatment ACL injury
Nicky van Melick PT PhD and Rob Janssen MD PhD Prof will present the...
New publication
W.W.E.S. Theunissen, Marieke C. van der Steen, Wai Yan Liu, Rob P.A....
Two new publications
Recently 2 new publications have been accepted in peer reviewed...
Nieuwe publicatie
RPA janssen MD PhD Prof is memeber of the PaTIO study group. Recently, a...
Keynote lecture
RPA Janssen MD PhD will oresent a keynote lecture at the Advanced Knee...
Lecture on Knee disorders
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
VOCA Congress 2019
RPA Janssen MD PhD is moderator at the VOCA congress Sports...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD Assoc Prof is faculty at the Advanced Knee...
e/MTIC symposium TU/e
RPA Janssen MD PhD visits the Symposium Technology meets Value-Based...
Lecture Knee Post-doc course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
Faculty ALSG Generic Instructor Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course...
New publication
Tolk JJ, Janssen RPA, Prinsen C, van der Steen MC, Sita Bierma-Zeinstra...
Faculty Knee Orthopaedic Regional Residency Program
RPA Janssen MD PhD is faculty member at the new modernized Regional...
New publication
The orthopedic research group of Maxima Medical Center has published a...
Lecture Knee Post-doc course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
Faculty ALSG Generic Instructor Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course...
Global GCP certification
RPA Janssen MD PhD is recertified for Global GCP (Good Clinical...
Faculty Advanced Knee Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as independent faculty at the Advanced Knee...
Lecture total knee arthroplasty: update 2017
RPA Janssen MD PhD presents the lecture Total Knee Arthropasty: Update...
Pediatric ACL reconstruction
RPA Janssen MD PhD will visit Prof. Martin Lind MD PhD and Peter...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited als faculty at the Advanced...
Lecture on Knee disorders
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
Faculty ALSG Generic Instructor Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited als faculty at the Advanced...
New publication
A stduy by the research group led by RPA Janssen MD PhD has been accepted...
Faculty ALSG Generic Instructor Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course...
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited to present a lecture at the...
Faculty Advanced Knee Course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as faculty at the Advanced Knee Course...
New publication
New publication by the research group of RPA Janssen MD PhD on the...
Harvard Business School
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been admitted to the Executive Education...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
Faculty Knee Orthopaedic Regional Residency Program
RPA Janssen MD is faculty member at the new modernized Regional...
Faculty ESSKA 2016
RPA Janssen MD is invited as faculty and chair at the biannual...
Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty 2016
RPA Janssen MD PhD is organisor and faculty member at the 27th edition of...
Guest Lectures Fontys International Physiotherapy Program
RPA Janssen M.D., has been invited to present 2 guest lectures...
Faculty Deconstruction to Reconstruction Course
James Robinson MD and Charlie Brown Jr. MD invited RPA Janssen MD to...
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Reconstruction and Basic Science 2015
RPA Janssen MD has been invited to write 2 chapters in the 2nd edition of...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
Lecture Knee Instability RPA Janssen M.D.
RPA Janssen M.D. has been invited to present a lecture on Knee...
New publication RPA Janssen et al.
The peer reviewed journal Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology,...
Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty 2015
RPA Janssen is organisor and faculty member at the 26th edition of the...
Dutch Orthopaedic Society Congress
RPA Janssen, MD will visit the Congress of the Dutch Orthopaedic Society...
16th ESSKA Congress 2014
RPA Janssen will attend the 16th biennial Congress of the European...
Faculty Advanced Knee Course 2014
The 25th jubilee Advanced Instructional Course on Arthroscopy of the...
Start STARR-Trial Meniscus
Máxima Medical Center is one of the three centers in the...
Faculty Master Class Knee 2015
RPA Janssen has been invited as keynote speaker on the Master...
E-Learning Module RPA Janssen
RPA Janssen is one of the authors of the new E-learning Module...
NVA Masterclass
RPA Janssen, M.D. will visit the NVA Masterclass 2014 "All about the...
Unconventional ACL Meeting….The Sequel
RPA Janssen, M.D. is invited as speaker at the Unconventional ACL...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
Instructor at ATLS course
RPA Janssen is instructor in the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
ATLS instructor update 2013
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) is the worldwide excellence of care...
ATLS Europe 2013
RPA Janssen, MD will visit the ATLS in Europe meeting in Lyon, France...
Publication RPA Janssen et al. in KSSTA
The peer-reviewed journal Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy...
EBRO Training 2012
RPA Janssen M.D. will follow the Training Evidence Based Guidelines...
Visiting Center NVA Travelling fellows
The Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area will host the...
NVA Masterclass 2012
RPA Janssen will visit the Masterclass of the Dutch Arthrosocpy...
Masterclass in Knees: IMUKA 2012
The Dutch Arthroscopy Society wil host a symposium on the latest...
ACL and Collateral ligament injuries
On May 31 2012, RPA Janssen, M.D., will present a lecture: ACL and...
RPA Janssen is faculty member at ALSG course
RPA Janssen is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course (GIC) of...
Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area
Photograph of the new Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area (The...
ATLS International 2011
RPA Janssen, MD will visit the ATLS International 2011 meeting...
Good Clinical Practice
RPA Janssen, MD will follow the Good Clinical Practice Training om...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the Post-Master B&SIS Knee...
The new warming-up
RPA Janssen has contributed to the new book by T. Kamminga: The new...
RPA Janssen is faculty member at ALSG course
RPA Janssen is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course (GIC) of...
Lecture on knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses....
Lecture on knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the Post-Master...
Lecture on osteoarthritis and anterior cruciate ligament surgery by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen presents a lecture at the Advanced Instructional Course...
Lecture on remodeling after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen has been invited to present his research on remodeling of the...
Website online!
RPA Janssen has made his own website. Montay WebArchitecs has built...
Knee anatomy: critical review
RPA Janssen analyzes recent developments in anatomy and surgical repair...
Lecture Radiology
RPA Janssen presents a lecture for all medical personnel of the radiology...
RPA Janssen visits AO Trauma Advanced Osteotomy Symposium
RPA Janssen visits the symposium Advanced Osteotomy around the Knee on...
Orthopaedic Center Máxima: 5 years of highly specialized orthopaedic care
Today, the Orthopaedic Center Máxima celebrates its fifth year of...
Lecture on knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses....
Update Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Collateral knee injuries
Multiple ligament injuries may occur simultaneously in knee trauma. RPA...
RPA Janssen presents lectures on knee arthroplasty
RPA Janssen, MD will present a series of lectures on the recent...
RPA Janssen is instructor at ATLS course
RPA Janssen is instructor in the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)...
Máxima Medical Center: Best hospital in South of Netherlands
Máxima Medical Center (MMC) ranks on top of the Elsevier list of...
ISAKOS 2011. Oral presentation RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is invited at the 8th Biennial ISAKOS...
ATLS 30th anniversary
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) celebrates its 30th anniversary. RPA...
Mrs. Vrehen: the new Nurse Practitioner Knee
Mrs. G. Vrehen will start as Nurse Practitioner Knee in the Orthopaedic...
RPA Janssen presents lecture on ACL injuries
RPA Janssen, MD will present a lecture at the Symposium: Research in...
Twitter Orthopaedic Center Máxima
All recent information on Orthopaedic Center Máxima can be found...
Publication RPA Janssen et al. in KSSTA
The scientific article Remodelling of human hamstring autografts after...
Máxima Medical Center medical partner FC Eindhoven
RPA Janssen is a consultant knee specialist for the Football Club FC...
RPA Janssen visits NOV Congress
RPA Janssen visits the annual congress of the Dutch Orthopaedic Society...
April 1: Dutch Arthroscopy Society Congress
RPA Janssen MD visits the Annual Congress of the Dutch Arthroscopy...
Remodelling after anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions: lecture RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen has been invited to present his research on remodelling of...
Posteraward MMC Jaap Tolk et al.
Jaap Tolk, MD has won the Best Poster Award MMC 2011 for his...
Posters nominated Best Poster Award MMC 2011
Two scientific posters on research supervised by RPA Janssen, MD have...
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and osteoarthritis? Publication by RPA Janssen
RPA Janssen, MD has published a review article on anterior cruciate...
RPA Janssen on Twitter
Follow the latest news on RPA Janssen, MD as well as insights on...
Knee updates for physiotherapists
Free regular updates are provided by RPA Janssen, MD on developments in...
RPA Janssen, MD on Facebook
View RPA Janssen, MD Orthopaedic Surgeon @ Facebook.
RPA Janssen, MD on LinkedIn
View RPA Janssen @ LInkedIn.
Open Door Day MMC on March 19, 2011
You are invited to the Open Door Day of Máxima Medical Center...
The acute knee: diagnostic value of knee examination
Brooymans et al. present an excellent overview on the sensitivity and...
RPA Janssen President Dutch Arthroscopy Society
RPA Janssen has been elected President of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society...
Publication RPA Janssen et al. in The Knee
The Journal The Knee has published an article by the...
April 7, 2011. Lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses....
New! Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area
A new orthopaedic association was founded on May 1st,...
Lecture on hamstring remodelling after ACL reconstruction by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen will present the lecture: Remodelling of human...
News Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area
RPA Janssen is faculty member at ALSG course
RPA Janssen is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course (GIC) of...
MMC twice in top 4 of Best Hospitality Awards 2011
Máxima Medical Center, with hospitals in Eindhoven and Veldhoven...
Free #knee-updates on Twitter: > 500 followers
RPA Janssen, MD has a Twitter Knee-update program for doctors,...
Congress on patellar instability
RPA Janssen, MD will visit the congress Patellar instability: diagnosis...
Arthroscopy Course Dutch Arthroscopy Society
As president of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society, RPA Janssen will visit the...
Máxima Medical Center Eindhoven filmlocation of Dutch Thriller
Máxima Medical Center Eindhoven (The Netherlands) has been chosen...
Mind your step please – New scientific research project
An international scientific project has started this month between the...
Dutch Orthopaedic Society Congress
RPA Janssen will visit the Dutch Orthopaedic Society Congress on October...
Presidential message Dutch Arthroscopy Society
RPA Janssen, MD is the President of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society. He...
Masterclass Dutch Arthroscopy Society
RPA Janssen will visit the Masterclass of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society...
Sportscenter of Excellence Certificate for Máxima Medical Center
Máxima Medical Center Eindhoven-Veldhoven has received the...
Publication Journal of Knee Surgery
The Journal of Knee Surgery has accepted an article by the research group...
Orthopaedic Surgery MMC highest score on Elsevier list 2011
The orthopaedic surgeons of the Máxima Medical Center Eindhoven,...
Logo Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area
The Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area has proudly presented...
Good Clinical Practice Diploma
RPA Janssen has been awarded the diploma Good Clinical Practice after...
Farewell Guusje Vrehen
Mrs. Guusje Vrehen will end her practice as nurse practitioner on...
December 15, 2011: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Low infection rate after knee arthroplasty
RPA Janssen, MD performs more than 100 total knee arthroplasties per year...
Debate on future orthopaedic developments
The Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area develops a long term...
Audit Resident Program Orthopaedic Surgery MMC
The Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area has been awarded for...
RPA Janssen awarded Mednet Top Orthopaedic Surgeon 2011
RPA Janssen, M.D. has received the prestigious Mednet Top Physician...
New column President Dutch Arthroscopy Society
RPA Janssen writes columns as President of the Dutch Arthroscopy...
2012 Annual Congress Dutch Orthopaedic Society
RPA Janssen, MD will visit the 2012 Annual Congress of the Dutch...
RPA Janssen is nominated for Mednet Top Physician 2012 award
RPA Janssen is once again nominated for the 2012 Top Physician Award. He...
Instructor at ATLS course
RPA Janssen is instructor in the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)...
15th ESSKA Congress: 4 posterpresentations RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen M.D. will present 4 scientific posters at the 15th ESSKA...
Lecture Fontys Master Physiotherapy
RPA Janssen M.D., has been invited to present 2 guest lectures about The...
Free Videos of Knee Tests
RPA Janssen M.D. regularly writes free Knee-Updates on his Twitter and...
April 20, 2012. Annual Congress Dutch Arthroscopy Society: Sports Insights
The Annual Congress of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society (NVA) will be held...
Movie Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Knee
Máxima Medical cener Máxima Medical Center Eindhoven (The...
New publication RPA Janssen at al.
A scientific article by RPA Janssen et al. has been accepted for...
Maximum Prolongation Orthopaedic Residency Program MMC
The Orthopaedic Residency Program at Máxima Medical Center...
National Anterior Cruciate Ligament Committee
In 2012, the National Anterior Cruciate Ligament Committee was founded....
Lecture: Hamstring Remodelling after ACL Reconstruction by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen will present the lecture: Remodelling of human hamstrings...
July 7, 2012. Faculty Knee Course Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
RPA Janssen M.D. has been invited as faculty at the Knee Course at...
Orthopaedic Center Maxima participates in a national doctor's...
Congress Dutch Orthopaedic Society
RPA Janssen MD will visit the congress of the Dutch Orthopaedic Society...
Lecture by RPA Janssen MD: New insights in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
RPA Janssen, M.D. has been invited to present a lecture on current...
Rapid rehabilitation after Knee Arthroplasty
Walking around your room 2 hours after knee prosthesis surgery? Yes,...
RPA Janssen author of European book ACL surgery
RPA Janssen, M.D. has been invited to write a chapter in the new...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the Post-Master B&SIS Knee...
November 15, 2012: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Three presentations by RPA Janssen at NOV Annual Congress 2013
The scientific committee of the Dutch Orthopaedic Association...
Lecture RPA Janssen MD at congress "The Acute Knee"
RPA Janssen, MD will present a lecture on acute knee disorders at the...
New website soon!
Two years after the launch of the succesful website by RPA Janssen...
New scientific research RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen, MD is involved in (inter)national scientific resarch on knee...
Free #knee-updates on Twitter: > 700 followers
RPA Janssen, MD has a Twitter Knee-update program for doctors,...
Social media and Communication
RPA Janssen has been invited to share his experiences on social media and...
Presentations ISAKOS 2013
The research group of RPA Janssen M.D. will present 4...
Mednet Top Orthopaedic Surgeon 2012 Award
RPA Janssen, M.D. has received the prestigious Mednet Top Physician 2012...
Interview on Arthroscopy in Yearbook "Zorg voor Bewegen 2013"
The Yearbook 2013 "Zorg voor Bewegen" of the Netherlands...
Sondervick College career project
Six students of the Sondervick College (Veldhoven, The Netherlands)...
Lecture Knee Fontys Master Physiotherapy
RPA Janssen M.D., has been invited to present 2 guest lectures about The...
Poster at MMC scientific meeting 2013
The study on reliability of new digital preoperative planning of total...
Annual Congress Dutch Arthsocopy Society
The 23rd Annual Congress of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society will be held on...
Certification orthopaedic surgeon-traumatologist
RPA Janssen M.D. has been certified as orthopaedic surgeon-traumatologist...
Two presentations at NVA Annual Congress 2013
The research group of the Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greatre Area,...
Invitation ISAKOS President M. Cohen
ISAKOS President Moises Cohen has invited RPA Janssen for...
New website
Three years after the start of my website, it is now time for a new...
Lecture Knee instability RPA Janssen M.D.
RPA Janssen M.D. has been invited to present a lecture on diagnosis...
RPA Janssen faculty at ALSG course
RPA Janssen is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course (GIC) of...
The knee is repaired, play sports!
Interview with hockey player after anterior cruciate ligament...
Faculty International Knee Course 2013
The Advanced Instructional Course on Arthroscopy of the Knee...
Presidential adress Dutch Arthroscopy Society (NVA)
RPA Janssen, M.D. adresses current issues in his presidential messages as...
Presentations RPA Janssen at 30th AGA Jubilee Congress 2013
RPA Janssen, M.D. has been invited to present his scientific work...
Free #knee-updates on Twitter: > 900 followers
RPA Janssen, MD has a Twitter Knee-update program for doctors,...
New publication RPA Janssen et al.
A scientific article by RPA Janssen et al. has been accepted for...
Knee arthroplasty: Live Surgery
On wednesday September 11, 2013, the Orthopaedic Associates...
Interview RPA Janssen M.D.
Interview with RPA Janssen, M.D. on cruciate ligament injuries of the...
Faculty NVA Arthroscopy Course
RPA Janssen M.D. is ons of the faculty-memebers at the new NVA...
Free #knee-updates on Twitter: > 1000 followers
RPA Janssen, MD has a Twitter Knee-update program for doctors,...
Mednet Top Orthopaedic Surgeon 2013
RPA Janssen M.D. has been nominated top 3 of Mednet Top Orthopaedic...
Guest Lectures @Fontys Master Physiotherapy
RPA Janssen M.D., has been invited to present 2 guest lectures...
November28, 2013: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Lecture Total Kne Arthroplasty
RPA Janssen is invited to present a lecture on Total Knee Arthroplasty at...
Post Olympisch Sports Congress: lecture RPA Janssen
The 6th Post-Olympic Sports Congress will take place on thursday March...
MMC awarded Achmea Plus Certificate "Knee replacement 2014"
Orthopaedic Center Máxima has received the Plus...
Sports Medicine Center of Excellence Netherlands
In 2014, the Sports Medicine Center of Excellence has been inaugurated....
Farewell NVA President RPA Janssen
The annual NVA Congress 2014 (Dutch Arthroscopy Association) will take...
June 5 2014: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Presentation ACL Book ESSKA 2014
During the 16th ESSKA Congress, the new book Anterior Cruciate...
Publication High Flexion Knee Prosthesis
A scientific article by the research group of RPA Janssen et al. has...
Octber 2: lecture knie injuries by RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
New Surgical Techniques Knee
RPA Janssen and M. van den Besselaar, knee surgeons at Orthopaedic...
New Publication RPA Janssen
A new study of the research group of RPA Janssen has recently been...
Hamstring remodelling: new publication RPA Janssen
A new scientific article by RPA Janssen et al. is published in...
Member Advisory Board Fontys Hogeschool
RPA Janssen has been appointed to the Board of Advice of the Fontys...
RPA Janssen keynote speaker at HR2020 congress
RPA Janssen is invited as keynote speaker at the HR2020 Live Congress. He...
December 4, 2014: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area
The 15 orthopaedic surgeons of the Orthopaedic Asociates Eindhoven...
NOV Annual meeting 2015
RPA will visit the Annual Congress of the Dutch Orthopaedic Society...
March 5: Lecture Knee Injuries RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
Faculty NVA Advanced Knee Course
RPA Janssen, M.D. has been invited als faculty at the Advanced Knee...
The Hip Walk!
Do you have a knee or hip prosthesis? Join us at the Hip Walk on April...
New Publication RPA Janssen
A new article is published by the research group of RPA Janssen M.D. in...
25th Anniversary NVA Congress (Dutch Arthroscopy Society)
RPA Janssen has been invited as moderator at the 25th Anniversary...
June 4, 2015: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
MMC Press Release Cruciate Ligament Surgery News
Maxima Medical Center Eindhoven presented a press release of the...
New Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Technique
Orthopaedic Center Máxima is a tertiary referral center for...
Total Knee Arthroplasty Progress Educations
RPA Janssen presents the lecture Total Knee Arthropasty: Update 2015 at...
October 15, 2015: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen, M.D.
RPA Janssen is faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will present...
Diploma radiation expert
RPA Janssen has been awarded the diploma Radiation Protection Level 4A/M...
New Publication RPA Janssen
The Evidence Statement "Acute Knee Injury" by the Royal Dutch...
RPA Janssen faculty ALSG Generic Instructor Course
RPA Janssen is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course (GIC) of...
September 17: Lecture Knee Injuries RPA Janssen, MD
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of the...
December 4, 2015: Knee Symposium
RPA Janssen is keynote speaker at the Knee Symposium: Summary and...
December 3, 2015: lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
February 25, 2016: Lecture Ligament instability knee by RPA Janssen M.D.
RPA Janssen is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Lecture RPA Janssen MD at 30th Jubilee Congress LVO
RPA Janssen MD has been invited as keynote speaker at the 30th Jubilee...
Guest Lectures Fontys International Physiotherapy Program
RPA Janssen M.D., has been invited to present 2 guest lectures...
May 26, 2016. PhD Thesis RPA Janssen
RPA Janssen MD will present his PhD thesis at Maastricht University on...
Host NVA-AGA Travelling Fellows 2016
The NVA-AGA Travelling Fellowship will be hosted by RPA Janssen MD and...
Faculty NVA Jaarcongres 2016
RPA Janssen presents an invitational lecture at the NVA-Annual 2016...
Interview national Dutch newspapers
The PhD thesis by RPA Janssen MD is of interest for national Newspapers...
Lecture on Knee disorders by RPA Janssen MD PhD
RPA Janssen, MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
PhD title RPA Janssen MD
RPA Janssen MD has received the highest academic title (Doctor of...
Director Orthopaedic Residency Program
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been appointed Director of the Orthopaedic...
June 23, Lecture Knee Instability by RPA Janssen MD PhD
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Guest Lecture Fontys International Physiotherapy Program
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited to present a guest lecture...
Lecture Knee Arthroplasty: Update 2016
RPA Janssen MD PhD presents the lecture Total Knee Arthropasty: Update...
Professional Efficiency in Health Care
RPA Janssen MD PhD will participate in the Postacademic course...
Lecture on Knee disorders
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
NOV Fall Congress 2016
RPA Janssen MD PhD will visit the Annual Congress of the...
Medsim teamtraining
RPA Janssen MD PhD is course deleguate at the follow-up Medsim OR...
Post-academic course The Acute Knee
RPA Janssen MD PhD and FAM Brooijmans Msc have been invited to...
Member National Committee Guidelines ACL Injuries
RPA Janssen MD, PhD has been appointed as member in the ACL Guidelines...
Knee injuries 2016: cooperation between the lines
RPA Janssen MD PhD, FAM Brooijamns Msc and M van den Besselaar MD wil...
November 10, 2016: Lecture Ligament instability knee
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
Lecture RPA Janssen MD PhD
RPA Janssen MD PhD will present a lecture on acute ligament knee injuries...
New website COGE
The new website of the Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area...
Faculty ATLS course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is instructor in the Advanced Trauma Life Support...
Annual Congress Dutch Orthopaedic Society
RPA Janssen MD PhD attends the annual Congress of the Dutch Orthopaedic...
Annual Congress Dutch Arthroscopy Society
RPA Janssen MD PhD attends the Annual Congress of the Dutch Arthroscopy...
Two new publications by knee research group RPA Janssen MD PhD
Velden van der C, Tolk JJ, Janssen RPA, Reijman M. Return to driving...
Medical Leadership
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been selected for the development program Medical...
May 23, 2017. Lecture ACL Fontys University of Applied Sciences
RPA Janssen MD PhD is one of the keynote speakers at the Fontys...
New publication RPA Janssen MD PhD et al.
A new publication by the research group led by RPA Janssen MD PhD is...
June 2, 2017: Lecture Ligament instability knee
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
28th annual Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses
The 28th annual edition of the Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht...
Orthopedic Residency program Máxima Medical Center
The Orthopedic Residency Program in Máxima Medical Center...
ASIA / IPD Award 2017 (Royal Dutch Institute for Engineers – KIVI))
Students of Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven and...
4 presentations COGE research group at annual Dutch Orthopedic Congress
The COGE research group will present 4 publications at the Dutch...
November 9, 2017: Lecture Ligament instability knee
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of B&SIS Knee courses. He will...
2 new publications orthopedic research group MMC
Two new studies have been published in September by the orthopedic...
Clinical teaching for experts
RPA Janssen MD PhD will follow the expert course on clinical teaching...
RPA Janssen MD PhD authors 2 book chapters in new edition Prodromos’ Book on Anterior Cruciate Ligament
RPA Janssen MD PhD is the first author of 2 book chapters in the recently...
Invited speaker Sports Medicine Annual Congress 2017
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited as speaker at the Sports Medicine...
Lecture total knee arthroplasty: update 2017
RPA Janssen MD PhD presents the lecture Total Knee Arthropasty: Update...
Educational Congress Federation of Medical specialists
RPA Janssen MD PhD visits the annual congress for Directors of Medical...
Guest lectures Fontys University of Applied Sciences
RPA Janssen MD PhD and Nicky van Melick Msc, PT will present two guest...
Accreditation Physiotherapy Fontys University of Applied Sciences
RPA Janssen MD PhD will take part in the accreditation proceedings for...
Post-doc education general physicians
RPA Janssen MD PhD is keynote speaker at post-doc education for...
LEAN Green Belt Projecten MMC
RPA Janssen MD PhD has succesfuly accomplished the LEAN SIX SIGMA Green...
Annual Dutch Orthopedic Association Congress 2018
RPA Janssen MD PhD is speaker at the annual Dutch Orthopaedic Association...
Clinical advanced teaching techniques
RPA Janssen Md PhD is participant in the Advanced Clinical Teaching...
PhD Committee Maastricht University
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited as member of the PhD committee at...
Faculty Baltic Knee&Shoulder Meeting Estonia
RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited as faculty at the Baltic Knee&Shoulder...
Guestspeaker University of Applied Sciences
RPA Janssen MD PhD is honoured guest at the program College Tour at the...
Annual Dutch Arthroscopy Society Congress 2018
RPA Janssen MD PhD will attend the annual congress of the Dutch...
Graduate School CAPHRI Maastricht University
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been appointed at the PhD Graduate School...
New publication
see publication
Nomination best director residency program 2018
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been nominated as one of three Best Directors...
Graduation Committee Eindhoven University of Technology
RPA Janssen MD PhD is member of the Graduation Committee of Master...
5 presentations ESSKA 2018
The scientific reserach group of COGE (Orthopedic Association Eindhoven...
Course director 29th annual Arthroscopy & Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses
The 28th annual edition of the Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht...
Faculty Advanced Knee Course NVA
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited als faculty at the Advanced...
Guest speaker Symposium “Rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery”
RPA Janssen MD PhD is keynote speaker at the national...
Chair Committee Residency Program Directors Máxima Medical Center
RPA Janssen MD PhD is program chair of the special day organised by...
New publication
The Pellegrini-Stieda lesion of the knee: an anatomical and radiological...
Top 3 best director of residency program in the Netherlands 2018
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been awarded Top 3 Best Director of Medical...
Faculty Basic Clinical Teaching
RPA Janssen MD PhD is faculty memeber at the Basic Clinical Teaching at...
RPA Janssen MD PhD will attend the 100th edition of the SOFCOT...
PhD defense committee Maastricht University
RPA Janssen MD PhD will be member of the PhD defense committee by MGM...
MMC awarded Expertise Center Knee Instability
Maxima Medical Center has been awarded as national Center of...
Guest lectures Fontys University of Applied Sciences
RPA Janssen MD PhD and Nicky van Melick Msc, PT will present...
Interview New Years Meeting Municipality Veldhoven
RPA Janssen MD PhD is invited for an interview at the annual festive New...
Guest speaker Research on Movement 2019 Maastricht University
RPA Janssen MD PhD is guest speaker at the Symposium Research in Movement...
Professor Value-Based Health Care
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been appointed Professor Value-Based Health Care...
Forum discussion at National Medical Student Congress 2019
RPA Janssen MD PhD has been invited for a forum discussion on orthopaedic...
Lecture Professional Football Physiotherapist Congress
RPA Janssen MD PhD will present a lecture on Pediatric ACL...
ICHOM Conference 2019
RPA Janssen MD PhD visits the ICHOM Conference 2019 in...
New publication
The research group of RPA Janssen MD PhD has a new publication in BMC...
Faculty Knee Orthopaedic Regional Residency Program
RPA Janssen MD PhD is faculty member at the new modernized Regional...
Symposium Man and Technology: how does this influence the health care relationship?
Venue: This symposium is presented in cooperation between various...
Lecture Knee Post-doc course
RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
Guest speaker ACL symposium
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof is guest speaker at the symposium Change your...
Nomination Advisory Committee Eindhoven University of Technology
Dr. RPA Janssen has been invited for the Advisory Nomination...
New publication pediatric ACL
A new study has been published by the rearch group of RPA Janssen MD PhD...
Keynote lecture KNGF: Up to date treatment ACL injury
Nicky van Melick PT PhD and Rob Janssen MD PhD Prof will present the...
Five presentations at EORS Congress 2019
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof will visit the EORS 2019 Congress. He...
Two new publications
RPA Janssen MD PhD is co-author of 2 new peer reviewed publications this...
Associate Professor Knee Reconstruction
On NOvember 1, 2019, RPA Janssen MD PhD has been appointed...
New publication J Arthroplasty
Development of Preoperative Prediction Models for Pain and Functional...
Member Supervisory Board
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof has been appointed member of the Supervisory...
Keynote speaker ACL Course SOMT University of Physiotherapy
R.P.A. Janssen, MD PhD Prof and N. van Melick, PT PhD are keynote...
Van Rens Prize 2020
Jaap Tolk MD has won the prestigious Van Rens Prijs 2020 for the best...
Guest speaker Pediatric Trauma Congress
Prof. RPA Janssen MD PhD will present a guest lecture at the Pediatric...
BSc graduation projects Value-Based Health Care Fontys University
The first 5 BSc graduation projects of the research lines...
Start after Covid-19 lockdown
Máxima Medical Cenetr is re-opened for orthopedic consultations...
Member graduation committee Eindhoven University of Technology
RPA Janssen MD PhD is memeber of the MSc Thesis graduation committee of...
Global GCP Certificate
RPA Janssen MD PhD has succesfully prolonged his Global Good Clinical...
Dutch Orthopaedic Society AI Taskforce
RPA Janssen MD Phd Prof is member of the recently created Taskforce...
New publication pediatric ACL injuries and return to sports
Recently a new publication has been accepted on return to sports after...
Hyaluronic acid treatment PhD thesis
Hyaluronoc acid treatment for knee osteoarthritis is not without...
New publication
Brinkhof, S., Froeling, M., Janssen, R.P.A., Ito K., Klomp...
TU/e ISBEP Pitch event Dec 15, 2020
The InnovationSpace Bachelor End Project (ISBEP) pitch...
9 presentations at Scientific Meeting 2021 Máxima MC
Nine scientific presentations by the orthopedic department have been...
2 presentations of Digital twin Knee at ICMS Symposium 2021
Link to presentations
New publication April 2021
A new study has been accepted in April 2021 by the...
Member Graduation Committee TU/e
RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof is member of the graduation committee for...
First prize for joint ACL research Orthopaedics Maxima Medical Center & Eindhoven University of Technology
Marc van Vijven wins first prize for best scientific research...
3 scientific presentations at ESSKA 2021 Congress
The knee research group led by RPA Janssen MD PhD presented 3...
Column publication
A column was written in the peer reviewed journal Nederlands Tijdschrift...
4 scientific presentations at Lustrum Congress 2021 Dutch Arthroscopy Society
The knee research group of Máxima Medical Center will present 4...
Best Scientific Poster Award
Martijn Dietvorst MD PhD candidate has received the Best Scientific...
Evidence-based Course: Pediatric ACL Injury
Nicky van Melick PT, PhD and Rob PA Janssen MD PhD Prof are the...
PhD Thomas Timmers
Thomas Timmers will defend his PhD Thesis Patient Empowerment through...
2 new scientific publications
Recently, 2 new publications from the reserach group led by Prof Janssen...
Keynote lecture Ligamentous knee instability
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD is a faculty member of the...
Keynote lectures pediatric ACL injuries
N. van Melick PT PhD and R.P.A Janssen MD PhD will present 6 keynote...
Guestlecture The Digital twin Knee
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD will present a guest lecture entiteld The Digital...
Guest lecture Digital Twin Knee
Prof RPA Janssen MD PhD will present a guest lecture entiteld The...
New publication cooperation Maxima MC & Eindhoven University of Technology
Recently, a scientific paper has been accepted for publication in...
Invitation ISAKOS President Freddie H FU
ISAKOS President Freddie H Fu has invited RPA Janssen for...
The Osteoarthritic Knee. Best Current Practice in Europe
RPA Janssen, MD will visit The First Open meeting of the European Knee...
Lecture Total Kne Arthroplasty by RPA Janssen MD
RPA Janssen is invited to present a lecture on Total Knee Arthroplasty at...
KNGF lectures RPA Janssen
RPA Janssen has been invited by the Royal Dutch Society for Physiotherapy...
RPA Janssen faculty at ALSG Instructor Course
RPA Janssen is faculty member in the Generic Instructor Course (GIC) of...