
Fietsen verstandig?


Bij hardlopen wordt de knie belast met 6x uw lichaamsgewicht bij elke stap

Máxima Medisch Centrum

Value-Based Health Care

ESSKA Accredited Teacher

Orthopedie Groot Eindhoven

Goede uitleg is essentieel voor juiste keuze behandeling


Voorste kruisbandreconstructie

Achterste kruisbandletsel

Zorg op maat

YouTube kanaal dr RPA Janssen

Internationaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Kruisbandoperaties knie

RPA Janssen MD PhD


Waardegedreven zorg

Last van knie-artrose?

Spreekuur / Policlinique / Outpatient clinic

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arthroscopie

Máxima Medisch Centrum

Kruisbandoperaties bij kinderen

Veel pijn bij ernstige knie-artrose?

Samen met uw arts gekozen voor een knie-operatie?

Eenzijdige knie-artrose knie en actief leven?

Máxima Medisch Centrum Eindhoven-Veldhoven

Kwaliteit van leven

Samen kiezen voor de beste behandeling

Sporten met plezier

Oplossingen voor de lange termijn

Associate Professor Knee Reconstruction


Kneecap pain is a regular occurrence in fitness knee rehabilitation

Knee osteoarthritis

Cycling wise?


When running, the knee is loaded with 6x your body weight with each step

Normal life again after knee prothesis!

Knee osteoarthritis causes invalidating pain and limitations in daily living. A total knee prosthesis (arthroplasty) can solve these limitations. The KNee Active Program (KNAP) at the Máxima Medical Center in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) allows rapid recovery and return home after 3-4 days. This case describes the experiences of a 59 year old lady after total knee arthroplasty (MIS Knee).

The pain increased gradually in the years prior to the surgery: pain started in the morning and my walking distance decreased. I had to climb stairs foot by foot, and woke up frequently at night due to knee pain. Both dr RPA Janssen and I wanted to review all treatment options available before doing an operation (specialized physiotherapy, injections in the knee).
After some time, the operation became necessary. The intake (all appointments with the anaesthesiologist, orthopaedic assistants, blood examinations) took place on a single afternoon. That’s nice, no hassle. Specific information brochures were provided and an afternoon information session was organised. During this information meeting, all aspects of the surgery, rehabilitation and procedures were well explained and questions may be asked freely.
The hospital stay as well as the operation went according to the descriptions in the information brochures. The orthopaedic ward is fully adapted to patients with total knee and hip replacements including special chairs and highly trained personel. They are often present and extremely helpful. I did not notice much of the operation: I felt no pain and often fell asleep thanks to the medication. In my moments of being awake, I was well informed on the surgical developments by the anaesthesiological assistant. She was very comforting and gave me a feeling of security. After surgery, the feeling that I experienced was much different from the pain of the osteoarthritis; my leg did not hurt but felt very heavy. Exercises started on the first day after the operation. This is a very pleasant experience: your knee bends without the osteoarthritic pain. First time out of bed (second day after the operation) is scary at first, but you adapt rapidly.
It is surprising to see how fast you can get back on your feet and walk with 2 crutches. Once you leave the hospital, exercises need to be continued with a physiotherapist as well as a home exercise program. Leg extension is very important: I frequently put my foot on a footrest and put a bag of magazines on top of my knee. In the beginning, you sense a feeling of slight giving way of the knee. This feeling dissapears gradually. I planned a vacation 3 months after the operation and was able to walk decent distances without crutches. I had a feeling of having my normal life back again. At this time- 6 months after the operation- I feel great, just like 5 years ago. I am no longer dependent on anything nor anyone and am really enjoying life. Long live the knee prosthesis and dr Janssen!!!