
Fietsen verstandig?


Bij hardlopen wordt de knie belast met 6x uw lichaamsgewicht bij elke stap

Máxima Medisch Centrum

Value-Based Health Care

ESSKA Accredited Teacher

Orthopedie Groot Eindhoven

Goede uitleg is essentieel voor juiste keuze behandeling


Voorste kruisbandreconstructie

Achterste kruisbandletsel

Zorg op maat

YouTube kanaal dr RPA Janssen

Internationaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Kruisbandoperaties knie

RPA Janssen MD PhD


Waardegedreven zorg

Last van knie-artrose?

Spreekuur / Policlinique / Outpatient clinic

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arthroscopie

Máxima Medisch Centrum

Kruisbandoperaties bij kinderen

Veel pijn bij ernstige knie-artrose?

Samen met uw arts gekozen voor een knie-operatie?

Eenzijdige knie-artrose knie en actief leven?

Máxima Medisch Centrum Eindhoven-Veldhoven

Kwaliteit van leven

Samen kiezen voor de beste behandeling

Sporten met plezier

Oplossingen voor de lange termijn

Associate Professor Knee Reconstruction


Kneecap pain is a regular occurrence in fitness knee rehabilitation

Knee osteoarthritis

Cycling wise?


When running, the knee is loaded with 6x your body weight with each step

Bsc thesis. Conceptual database design of the ACL patient’s data

Jovan Sakovic
Innovation Space Bachelor End Project - BSc Data Science Thesis (June 2021)

The Thesis explores the topic of database design, and its first couple of stages. Going from ana- lyzing the organizational structure of the hospital, and analyzing the data that is collected during a patient’s treatment process, to establishing a concrete conceptual design in form of an entity- relationship diagram. It investigates what are the present, and important relationships, entities, and the constraints imposed on them by the business rules of the hospital. More specifically, the data and the organization in question deal with patients su↵ering an anterior cruciate ligament injury, at the Orthopedie Groot Eindhoven.

After validation of the design, the results and findings of the Thesis can be used in further developing the database, as it gives a solid foundational understanding of the processes going on in the Maxima Medical Center and Catharina Hospital. On top of that, the insights into the organization and the data allow for finding novel ideas and solutions to the overarching problem of the Digital Twin project, as it is still in an early, pioneering stage. The conceptual design put forth in the Thesis gives insight into what needs to be done to implement a database that would support development of a dashboard, that is to be used by the surgeons in their daily practice.

As a sub-project of the Innovation Space Bachelor End Project (ISBEP), the team project aims to provide orthopaedic surgeons of the Orthopedie Groot Eindhoven a way of improved patient-specific decision-making, facilitating better healthcare.