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New publication pediatric ACL injuries and return to sports
Recently a new publication has been accepted on return to sports after pediatric ACL reconstruction.
Martijn Dietvorst; Maarten H Brzoskowski; M C (Marieke) van der Steen, PhD; Eugenie Delvaux; Rob PA Janssen, MD PhD; Nicky Van Melick, PT PhD. Limited evidence for return to sport testing after ACL reconstruction in children and adolescents under 16 years: a scoping review. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics (accepted Oct 1, 2020).
It is ajoint reserach project between the knee research group by RPA Janssen MD PhD Prof (Máxima Medical Center, EIndhoven, The Netherlands) and Nicky van Melick PT, PhD. Máxima Medical Center is a tertiary referral center for complex knee injuries in the Netherlands and a European ESSKA reserach center for pediatric ACL injuries.