Igor Shirinskiy, Arno Macken, Pieter Caekebeke, Derek van Deurzen, Gabrielle J.M. Tuijthof, Tjarco Alta, R.L.A.W. Bleys, R.P.A. Janssen, Michel P.J. van den Bekerom
JSES International 2024;8(6), 1323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseint.2024.08.036
RPA Janssen, M.D. has been invited to present his scientific work on ACL reconstructions at the 30th AGA Jubilee Congress. As President, he will also represent the Dutch Arthroscopy Society (NVA) at the meeting with a delegation of the NVA board to celebrate the NVA-AGA travelling fellowship (September 19-21, Wiesbaden, Germany).
The presentations of RPA Janssen et al at 30th AGA Jubilee Congress: